2019-04-08 Tobiasremove compiler warnings of new compilerversion /
2018-11-06 TobiasChange git comments that make errors
2018-11-04 TobiasNew Devices
2018-02-28 TobiasMemory access for DS2423
2018-02-01 Tobiasnew Formula
2017-12-30 Tobiasmore Device-Codes
2017-12-29 TobiasATMega Flasher
2017-12-29 TobiasConfig Change.... 0xCC for temp measurement DS2438...
2017-10-25 TobiasNew Config-Values
2017-08-21 TobiasLarger Timeout for Serial
2017-07-04 TobiasNew Formula DS2438 Pressure
2017-05-24 Tobiasspelling correction
2017-05-12 TobiasMemory read write on DS2438
2017-05-09 TobiasAdd access with W1-Kernelmodule
2017-03-31 TobiasWorks now with Windows Visual Studio C++ too
2017-03-28 TobiasARDUINO as Master
2017-03-01 tobiascorrect errors in database SQL
2017-02-23 Tobiasadd formel 18
2017-02-21 Tobiasintern ADC
2017-02-21 Tobiasdefaultconfig of DS2438
2017-02-21 TobiasVsens of DS2438
2017-02-21 TobiasNew SHT35/31
2017-02-16 Tobiasadd files for automake
2017-02-16 TobiasCheck in