HDC1080 support
[owSlave2.git] / programmer / owflash.py
1 #!/usr/bin/python\r
2 # Copyright (c) 2015, Tobias Mueller tm(at)tm3d.de\r
3 # All rights reserved. \r
5 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without \r
6 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are \r
7 # met: \r
9 #  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright \r
10 #    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. \r
11 #  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright \r
12 #    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the \r
13 #    documentation and/or other materials provided with the \r
14 #    distribution. \r
15 #  * All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this \r
16 #    software must display the following acknowledgement: This product \r
17 #    includes software developed by tm3d.de and its contributors. \r
18 #  * Neither the name of tm3d.de nor the names of its contributors may \r
19 #    be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software \r
20 #    without specific prior written permission. \r
33 \r
34 \r
35 \r
36 \r
37 import time\r
38 import subprocess\r
39 import sys\r
40 \r
41 def owcom(dev,send,rc):\r
42         res=[]\r
43         f=open("/sys/bus/w1/devices/%s/rw" %(dev),"r+b",0)\r
44         f.write("".join(map(chr, send)))\r
45         if (rc!=0):\r
46                 res=map(ord,f.read(rc))\r
47         f.close()\r
48         return res\r
49                 \r
50 \r
51 def crc8(arr):\r
52         lscrc=0x0;\r
53         for v in arr:\r
54                 bit=1;\r
55                 while bit<256:\r
56                         if (v&bit)==bit:\r
57                                 lb=1\r
58                         else:\r
59                                 lb=0\r
60                         if (lscrc&1)!=lb:\r
61                                 lscrc=(lscrc>>1)^0x8c \r
62                         else:\r
63                                 lscrc=(lscrc>>1)\r
64                         bit=bit*2\r
65         return lscrc\r
66         \r
67 def testnr(s):\r
68         for c in s.lower()[:]:\r
69                 if not((c) in ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f','-']):\r
70                         return False\r
71         return True\r
72  \r
73 def addid(id,val):\r
74         for i in range(7):\r
75                 id[i+1]=id[i+1]+val\r
76                 if id[i+1]>254:\r
77                         id[i+1]=id[i+1]-254\r
78                         val=1\r
79                 else:\r
80                         return id\r
81         return id\r
82 #\r
83 \r
84 print "Open Hex File ...",\r
85 fi=open(sys.argv[1],"r")\r
86 data=[]\r
87 for l in fi.readlines():\r
88         sys.stdout.write(".")\r
89         sys.stdout.flush()\r
90         bc=int(l[1:3],16)\r
91         fw=int(l[3:7],16)\r
92         ty=int(l[7:9],16)\r
93         chsm=bc+(fw>>8)+(fw&0xFF)+ty\r
94         for i in range(bc):\r
95                 p=9+(i*2)\r
96                 d=int(l[p:p+2],16)\r
97                 chsm=(chsm+d)&0xFF\r
98                 data.append(d)\r
99         chsm=(chsm+int(l[9+bc*2:11+bc*2],16))&0xFF\r
100         if (chsm!=0):\r
101                 print "Error Checksum...."\r
102                 exit()\r
103         #print bc,fw,ty,chsm\r
104 fi.close()\r
105 print\r
106 \r
107 l=subprocess.check_output("ls /sys/bus/w1/devices/", shell=True)\r
108 dc=0\r
109 dl=[]\r
110 for g in  (l.split("\n")):\r
111         if len(g)>2:\r
112                 if testnr(g[0:2]):\r
113                         dl.append(g)\r
114                         dc=dc+1\r
115                         print dc,") ",g\r
116 if dc==0:\r
117         print "No 1-Wire Device found"\r
118         exit(0)\r
119 n=int(raw_input("No. of Device: "))\r
120 n=n-1\r
121 if (n>dc-1)or(n<0):\r
122                 exit(0)\r
123 s=dl[n]\r
124 sys.stdout.write('Go to Flashmode....')\r
125 sys.stdout.flush()\r
126 owcom(s,[0x88],0)\r
127 owcom(s,[0x88],0)\r
128 owcom(s,[0x88],0)\r
129 for i in range (20):\r
130         l=subprocess.check_output("ls /sys/bus/w1/devices/", shell=True)\r
131         dc=0\r
132         dl=[]\r
133         sys.stdout.write(".")\r
134         sys.stdout.flush()\r
135         for g in  (l.split("\n")):\r
136                 if (g[0:15]=="a3-55aa55aa55aa"):\r
137                         break\r
138         if (g[0:15]!="a3-55aa55aa55aa"):\r
139                 time.sleep(1)\r
140 if (g[0:15]=="a3-55aa55aa55aa"):\r
141         print "found"\r
142 else:\r
143         print "ERROR Enter Flashmode!" \r
144         exit()\r
145 f=open("/sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_bus_master1/w1_master_remove","r+b",0)\r
146 f.write(s)\r
147 f.close()\r
148 time.sleep(5)\r
149 s="a3-55aa55aa55aa"\r
150 prog=data\r
151 l=len(prog)\r
152 if (l>7616):\r
153         print "Code to big  ... Max 7616 Byte (119 Pages)"\r
154         exit()\r
155 pages= l/64\r
156 for i in range(64-(l%64)):\r
157         #print i\r
158         prog.append(0xFF)\r
159 pages= len(prog)/64\r
160 if (pages>119):\r
161         print "Code to big  ... Max 7616 Byte (119 Pages)"\r
162         exit()\r
163 \r
164 \r
165 print "Programm Page (of ", pages,")"\r
166         \r
167 for i in range(pages):\r
168         sys.stdout.write("%i " % (i+1) )\r
169         sys.stdout.flush()\r
170 \r
171         h=i*64;\r
172         hl=h&0xFF\r
173         hh=h>>8\r
174         #print hh, hl\r
175         mem=[hl,hh]+prog[h:h+64]\r
176         erroc=0\r
177         while (1):\r
178                 owcom(s,[0x0F]+mem,0) \r
179                 rmem=owcom(s,[0xAA],66)\r
180                 if (rmem!=mem):\r
181                         print rmem\r
182                         erroc=erroc+1\r
183                         if erroc>5:\r
184                                 print "WRITING ERROR ... "\r
185                                 exit()\r
186                         continue\r
187                 owcom(s,[0x55],0)       \r
188                 time.sleep(0.05)\r
189                 owcom(s,[0xB8,hl,hh],0)\r
190                 time.sleep(0.05)\r
191                 rmem=owcom(s,[0xAA],66)\r
192                 if (rmem!=mem):\r
193                         print "error in flash"\r
194                         print mem\r
195                         print rmem\r
196                         erroc=erroc+1\r
197                         if erroc>5:\r
198                                 print "WRITING ERROR ... "\r
199                                 exit()\r
200                         continue\r
201                 #for v in rmem:\r
202                 #       print "%02X " % (v),\r
203                 break\r
204 print "\nReset AVR"\r
205 owcom(s,[0x89],0)\r
206 time.sleep(1)\r
207 f=open("/sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_bus_master1/w1_master_remove","r+b",0)\r
208 f.write("a3-55aa55aa55aa")\r
209 f.close()       \r
210         \r
211         \r
212 \r
213 \r
214 \r
215 \r
216 #mem=[0x00,0x2]\r
217 #for i in range (64):\r
218 #       mem.append(i)\r
219 #owcom(s,[0x0F]+mem,0)\r
220 #rmem=owcom(s,[0xAA],70)\r
221 #print rmem\r
222 #owcom(s,[0x55],0)\r
223 #time.sleep(0.05)\r
224 #owcom(s,[0xB8,0x00,0x02],0)\r
225 #time.sleep(0.05)\r
226 #rmem=owcom(s,[0xAA],70)\r
227 #print rmem\r
228 #for v in rmem:\r
229 #       print "%02X " % (v)\r
230                 \r
231 \r
232                 \r